Abaque Peristaltic Hose Pump

Designed to handle your toughest pumping needs!

These reliable, highly efficient pumps provide ideal performance in low temperature, high-pressure conditions.

The Abaque Peristaltic Hose Pump is designed for the transfer of difficult chemicals and fluids, from abrasive & aggressive to shear-sensitive and viscous fluids.
Designed for use in demanding environments like mining, water & wastewater treatment, energy, chemical processing, and OEM applications, this pump’s composition excludes seats, valves, and mechanical seals. The limited parts reduce maintenance requirements, with the hose being the only replaceable pump part.
  • Zero leaks
  • Zero product contamination
  • Continuously run dry without affecting performance, pressure & accuracy (no slip)
  • Reliable (minimal working parts)
  • Handles toughest pumping challenges
  • Self-priming
  • Runs in forward or reverse
  • Suction-lift capabilities to 9.5 metres
  • Discharge pressure to 16 bar
  • Handles water-like viscosities as high as 352 000 SSU (70 000 cSt) Transfers solids & soft particles
  • All hoses handle liquid temperature from 0 to 80° C
  • EPDM hoses handle temperatures up to 90°C